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EGMONT Newsletter: EUCOUNCIL Think Tank Review, EUGS, Transitional Justice, Returnees, Migration, UK elections,PESCO, Eur. Doctoral School on CSDP

Newsletter December 2019

Season's greetings

Enjoy the holiday season.

We wish you an excellent 2020!


The Egmont Publications in the EU Council Think Tank Review of 2019


3rd call for PhD researchers for the European Doctoral School on CSDP



Regionalisation of Transitional Justice Frameworks in Africa and Europe

Commentary, by Valerie Arnould

From Global Strategy to Strategic Compass: Where Is the EU Heading?

Security Policy Brief, by Sven Biscop

Returnees in the Maghreb. A European perspective

Security Policy Brief, by Thomas Renard

From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration

Other publication, by Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Marie De Somer, Philippe De Bruycker

The 2019 UK General Election: towards a Brexit catharsis?

European Policy Brief, by Alexander Mattelaer

Putting the Core at the Centre. The Crisis Response Operation Core (CROC) and the Future of PESCO

Security Policy Brief, by Sven Biscop

Past Events

The EU in the world: can the EU become a global actor?

17 December 2019
EU Lunch Meeting

Leave yet Remain? Britain's security relationship with the EU after the General Election

16 December 2019
Expert Seminar

Training in Capacity Building for African Union Officials

9-17 December 2019
The Education & Training Programme has welcomed 7 civil servants from the Peace and Security Department of the African Union Commission for a 10 days training in capacity building. Read more.

Urban Violence and the (Never) Coming Anarchy

5 December 2019
Africa Lunch Meeting (restricted audience).

Visit of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs

4 December & 25 November 2019
Two groups of participants to Programmes of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs for professionals visited the Egmont Institute. These groups consisted of professionals coming from the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries, Central Asia and the Western Balkan. They visited the Egmont Institute on 4 Dec. for the Intensive Programme and on 25 Nov. for the Advanced Programme.

Egmont Institute in the media

La population reste toujours aussi divisée à propos du Brexit mais les étoiles se sont alignées pour Boris Johnson. La crise avec les Européens n'a que trop duré pour les citoyens britanniques
Benjamin Bodson, Associate Fellow, European Affairs Programme, Belga - La Libre, 13 December 2019.
De oorlog in Afghanistan kan gezien worden als een overwinning op Al-Qaeda maar dat was niet genoeg het moest meer zijn, een democratisch Afghanistan en zo hebben we onze eigen nederlaag georganiseerd
Sven Biscop, Director, Europe in the World Programme, Ter Zake TV (from 29:29), 10 December 2019.
Most politicians and experts agree that repatriating ISIS fighters would be far safer than leaving them in badly protected prisons. Advocating for such an approach is tantamount to political suicide
Thomas Renard, Senior Research Fellow, Europe in the World Programme, NPR, 10 December 2019.

If you have any inquiries, contact our Communication Director.
Our researchers are available for interviews and commentaries.
Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations
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