Use Connectivity to Strengthen Multilateral Cooperation in the EU’s Neighbourhood By Sven Biscop (15 September 2020) In Commentaries Asia-Pacific , EU and strategic partners , EU strategy and foreign policy , European defence / NATO To strengthen multilateralism in their own neighbourhood, Germany and the EU should pursue connectivity strategies with their Eastern and Southern neighbours. These could create the links between the EU’s neighbours that previous partnership agreements have failed to establish. They should include political and security dimensions for states to feel connected to the EU in a political sense. This commentary was also published in PeaceLab Blog (Photo credit: European Council, © European Union 2019)

Mon projet HOMO IURIS – IURISDITION, originé à Paris, est conçu comme la première plateforme mondiale de progrès de l’homme vers une étape supérieure d’évolution (HOMO IURIS) par voie d’un processus soutenu de littératie et d’éducation juridique à travers la société globale (IURISDITION). La composante juridique d’une société est d’une importance particulaire pour son existence, évolution et manifestation pacifiques et cela surtout dans la période contemporaine et celle future.