CLINGENDAEL Institute: Covid-19 impact on the value chain | Webinar: Russia 🇷🇺 & the politics of memory
Covid-19 impact on the value chain POLICY BRIEF The COVID-19 pandemic engulfing countries around the world has caused massive suffering and loss of life. The economic impact of the virus is also becoming increasingly clear. What is its impact on employment and livelihoods in developing countries, across and along value chains? Also read our briefs on COVID-19 in West-Africa and in Asia . - READ MORE Latest publications China’s Infrastructure Investment and Environmental Sustainability , commentary by Frans-Paul van der Putten & Xiaoxue Martin - ALL PUBLICATIONS Latest trainings Training Georgian security professionals online Upcoming training courses 6-10 July: Negotiation Skills for Humanitarian Aid Workers 3-4 Sept: Intercultural Communication 14-15 Sept: Belangenbehartiging en lobbyen in de EU - TRAINING CALENDAR 2020 ...