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Showing posts from July, 2019

The ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION : Here's How Neglected Tropical Diseases are Solvable

Here's How Neglected Tropical Diseases are Solvable Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have plagued humans for thousands of years. Thanks in large part to the availability of drugs that were created in recent decades, we now have a chance to solve the NTD crisis, which affects over 1.5 billion people globally. For people at risk for the five major NTDs (schistosomiasis, blinding trachoma, elephantiasis, river blindness, and intestinal worms), these drugs offer a precious window of opportunity, inhibiting the parasites and bacteria from growing inside the human host and, in some cases, offering immediate relief from excruciating symptoms, for example, the intense non-stop itching that comes with one form of river blindness. NTD treatments are mainly donated by the pharmaceutical companies that make them. These donations are as historic as the discovery of the drugs themselves. Some of the companies work together to integrate donations where a combination would be more ...


FROM THE ‘ORDINARY’ METHOD TO THE TRANSGOVERNMENTAL METHOD? We observe an emerging split between policy areas that are governed by the Community/Ordinary method, such as more technical single market issues, and politically sensitive policy areas that are governed by what is usually termed as “intergovernmentalism.” However, the governance structures that we see emerging in politically sensitive policy areas cannot be properly described as “intergovernmental” because they display a stable set of new interinstitutional relations, in which the European Commission also plays a varying role, albeit that the Member States overall have a more pronounced role. Hence, we see a shift from “the” interinstitutional balance to the emergence of two different interinstitutional balances: the Ordinary method and the Transgovernmental method. Transgovernmentalism is characterised by a bigger role for the Member States and a less strategic role for the Commission (and hence the EP and Europ...

CULINAIR GENIETEN DOET U BIJ BILDERBERG : Komt u deze zomer culinair genieten?

GASTRONOMISCH DINEREN Met de culinaire hotelarrangementen van  Bilderberg geniet u van een overnachting inclusief ontbijt en diner bij één van de toprestaurants van  Bilderberg . Onze culinaire arrangementen staan garant voor een geweldig verblijf en gastronomische verrassingen. Vanaf  € 150  per verblijf met twee personen BOEK NU ONZE CULINAIRE ARRANGEMENTEN BILDERBERG  ARRANGEMENT 12 hotels  Overnacht in één van de prachtige  Bilderberg  hotels in Nederland! Inclusief Het  Bilderberg  Ontbijt en culinair driegangendiner. vanaf  € 150  per verblijf met twee personen BOEK NU AAN TAFEL ARRANGEMENT Château Holtmühle | 1 nacht Culinair genieten in Die Alde Heerlickheijt met een viergangendiner inclusief wijnarrangement en een overnachting met ontbijt. vanaf  € 274  per verblijf met twee personen BOEK NU THE PARK CULINAIR ARRANGEMENT Parkhotel | 1 nacht O...

GEORGE WASHINGTON'S MOUNT VERNON: Help Us to Improve Our History Newsletter

Which Topics Interest You? Please help us to improve our history newsletter by telling us which topics you'd like to hear more about. Our online survey takes just a few minutes to complete. TAKE THE SURVEY Free  Rules of Civility  Book for Five Respondents Enter your email address at the end of the survey for a chance to win a   Rules of Civility  book !   Five respondents will be chosen at random to win.  Winners will be notified by email on August 1. George Washington's Mount Vernon 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121 United States Mount Vernon is owned and maintained in trust for the people of the United States by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union , a private, non-profit organization. We do not accept government funding and rely upon private contributions, admissions and retail sales to help preserve George Washington’s home and legacy . ...

AMBASSADE DE ROUMANIE en République Française: Alegeri prezidențiale 2019: Comunicat din partea Autorității Electorale Permanente (AEP)

AMBASSADE DE ROUMANIE                                        en République Française                                           Alegeri prezidențiale 2019: Comunicat din partea Autorității Electorale Permanente (AEP) Începând de mâine, duminică, 28 iulie 2019, alegătorii români care doresc să voteze la alegerile prezidențiale din acest an prin corespondență sau la o secție de votare din străinătate mai aproape de domiciliul sau reședința lor se pot înregistra on-line pe portalul , creat și administrat de AEP.  Înscrierea va începe în data de 28 iulie 2019, ora 12:00, ora României, iar formularele de înregistrare vor fi active până în data de 11 septembrie 2019. Portalul cuprinde două secțiuni: Alegător în străinătate la o secție de...

Jaffa citrus fruit of Israel

Jaffa citrus fruit The Citrus Marketing Board of Israel  controls all production and marketing of fresh citrus fruits grown in Israel and marketed under the brand name Jaffa . Did you see a Jaffa citrus fruit in your shop but did not find it on this page? Give the name or describe the fruit and send your message to Citrus Pages .  Citrus Pages - Étudiants : comment faire une demande d'aide au logement ?

Étudiants : comment faire une demande d'aide au logement ? Vous allez être étudiant à la prochaine rentrée universitaire et vous cherchez dès à présent un logement ? Connaissez-vous les aides au logement auxquelles vous pouvez prétendre ? Et, surtout, comment faire la demande pour en bénéficier ? Pour tout savoir (simulation, demande, suivi de dossier...), rendez-vous directement sur le site internet de la Caisse d'allocations familiales (Caf). Pour vos démarches, suivez tout simplement le parcours en ligne proposé par la Caf avec : le simulateur pour déterminer votre budget et calculer vos aides au logement étudiant (pour faire votre simulation, vous aurez besoin de donner un certain nombre d'informations notamment sur votre logement et vos revenus des 2 dernières années) ; la demande de logement en elle-même (elle se fait en ligne) ; l'application mobile de la Caf pour connaître l'avancement de votre dossier, la confirmati...

THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATIO: The Transport Revolution Will Be Digitized

The Transport Revolution Will Be Digitized It’s time for cities to build their digital transport infrastructure to ensure a more efficient, sustainable and equitable future for their residents. From ride-sharing to dock-less scooters to autonomous vehicles, the way we move around cities is fundamentally changing. The tools cities use to ensure movement is safe, orderly, sustainable, and equitable need to change, too. At The Rockefeller Foundation, we are excited to support the launch of the Open Mobility Foundation, a city-led initiative to develop advanced technology that could become a cornerstone of urban transport. Twenty years ago, there were a handful of urban vehicles: public transit (buses and subways), taxis and limousines operating largely independently, and private cars or bicycles. Today, these have been joined by a broad set of digitally enabled options. Docked bikes, app-hailed rideshare fleets and car-sharing operations using designating parking...

CLINGENDAEL INSTITUTE: Strengthening EU's agenda on digital connectivity

How to strengthen Europe's agenda on digital connectivity        Connectivity is high on the EU’s agenda, but its digital dimension remains underdeveloped. The short paragraph on digital in the EU connectivity strategy is telling. The EU’s distinct approach to digital connectivity – with a focus on the internal market, rule-making and development – differs from similar strategies, particularly China and its Digital Silk Road. "Now is the time to act on digital connectivity's practical as well as strategic elements of hard infrastructure and business operations."  Needed, now, is a comprehensive strategic vision that spurs action on all three practical elements of digital connectivity – namely, telecommunications infrastructure, business and regulation – and gives strategic guidance in the political and even securitized sense, and not only from a market perspective. Read the full Policy Brief by Senior Research Fellow Maaike Okano-He...

HET BILDERBERG ARRANGEMENT: Ontdek onze populairste zomer arrangementen

Het Bilderberg Arrangement Ontdek het Bilderberg Arrangement inclusief Het Bilderberg Ontbijt en een culinair driegangendiner. Laat u in de watten leggen in één van de prachtige Bilderberg hotels verspreid over heel Nederland. Hoe langer u verblijft, hoe voordeliger. Vanaf € 150 per verblijf met twee personen Boek nu Populaire culturele arrangementen Rijksmuseum arrangement 2 hotels | 1 nacht Bezoek het beroemde Rijksmuseum in combinatie met een overnachting en Het Bilderberg Ontbijt in het Bilderberg Garden Hotel of Bilderberg Hotel Jan Luyken. vanaf € 199 per verblijf met twee personen Boek nu Anastasia Musical Arrangement Europa Hotel Scheveningen | 1 nacht Dit grote Broadway-succes komt naar Scheveningen! Verblijf bij het Bilderberg Europa Hotel inclusief overnachting, ontbijt en eersterangskaarten. vanaf € 289 per verblijf met twee personen Boek nu Populaire familie arrangementen Kids for free arrangemen...