THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Can policymakers get ahead of the technology curve? Workshop participants visit an Irembo Service Center in the Ntarama Sector of Rwanda to experience the country’s innovative public-private partnership to digitize common public services. As the World Wide Web celebrates its 30 th birthday this year, much has been made about the risks of the connected world. At Future State, we are committed to building resources and knowledge to support policymakers who aspire to foster inclusive and competitive digital economies in which personal data is a driver of innovation in public service delivery and individual empowerment . That’s why we were proud to partner with Smart Africa , with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, to conduct our inaugural Digital Transformation Master Class, which brought together policymaker cohorts from Rwanda, Ghana, Kenya, Djibouti and Gabon in March to begin to tackle these challenges govern...

Mon projet HOMO IURIS – IURISDITION, originé à Paris, est conçu comme la première plateforme mondiale de progrès de l’homme vers une étape supérieure d’évolution (HOMO IURIS) par voie d’un processus soutenu de littératie et d’éducation juridique à travers la société globale (IURISDITION). La composante juridique d’une société est d’une importance particulaire pour son existence, évolution et manifestation pacifiques et cela surtout dans la période contemporaine et celle future.